All-Time Greatest Albums, Part 3
With the understanding that the music you’re exposed to when you’re young always seems more exciting, more essential, this is part three of my truly personal All-Time Greatest Albums list.
Frank Sinatra’s Love Is A Kick (1958) is a compilation of previously released tracks from 1944 to 1952, recorded when he was still with Columbia Records.
The songs cover the young Sinatra’s usual Hoboken waterfront of “she’s here and I’m giddy in love or she’s gone and I’m no longer giddy in love,” but the songs on the album, even those about lost love, are upbeat. Saturday night may be “the loneliest night of the week,” since his girl left him, but there’s hope: “Until I hear you at the door/Until you're in my arms once more.”
voice is youthful, and he sings with power and feeling. And the big-band
arrangements swing. The track Bim Bam Baby – the title alone tells you
everything you need to know – flat out rocks, maybe the closest Sinatra ever
got to recording something that felt like it belonged with the early R&B
band sounds of Louis Jordan or Johnny Otis. Elvis Presley should have covered
Love Is A Kick was the only Sinatra record we had around the house for years, so it got played a lot, or at least until we bought our first rock & roll album, the soundtrack to A Hard Day’s Night (1964). But for a kid like me, whose favorite song up to that point was Johnny Horton’s The Battle of New Orleans, Love Is A Kick prepared me for the Beatles by introducing what could be called the language of popular music. Universal belief in, and acknowledgement, of certain feelings. The emotional tone. The beat.
And the
use of personal pronouns to make the music more impactful and build connections
with the listener. Love Is A Kick included You Do Something To Me,
My Blue Heaven, When You’re Smiling and Should I. A
Hard Day’s Night is the 101 class on the subject: I Should Have Known
Better, If I Fell, I’m Happy Just To Dance With You, And I
Love Her, Tell Me Why, Can’t Buy Me Love and I’ll Cry
It all felt like a single river flowing into the same sea. If I could envision Elvis singing Bim Bam Baby, certainly Sinatra could take a swing at I’m Happy Just To Dance With You or And I Love Her. A Hard Day’s Night was the soundtrack to the film, so it included instrumental versions of several Lennon-McCartney songs that were used as background music in the movie. Again, one river, and we never skipped those tracks when we played the album.
To use up all my water metaphors, it wasn’t until rock began to fragment and take on some gravitas, that popular music felt more like a network of tributaries, each bound for different regions.
Love Is A Kick is a forgotten album. Released only in mono, it never made the leap to CD. The soundtrack to A Hard Day’s Night, on United Artists, was discontinued decades ago in favor of the British version, which didn’t include the instrumentals. To this day, if it isn’t the best pop album ever made, it’s certainly in the running.
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